Today is Karthikai Deepam , a festival of lights celebrated in the month of Karthikai, as per Tamil Calendar. It is definitely one of the best festivals that bring colour and cheer.

I was clicking pictures of oil lamps being lit, using my phone. That is when I realized that opposites are mandatory to feel and observe the best of something.

When there is darkness , you know what light is and vice-versa.Only if something is tall , you realise that something else is short. This , I would never say as comparisons , but relations. There is a difference.

It’s not only negative that is negative but even positives are negatives to the negatives. Get it ? No?! Read it again!

There is a meaning to anything and everything we find on earth. It’s on us to treat it the way things deserve.

To me , bad things will always be the sources of how good a person / thing can be. If you say someone or something is with flaws , you might want to check how bad the flaw is- Manageable , bad , very bad,thereby you know how to deal with it accordingly.

Even when the whole world is dark , a tiny little lamp that is lit is enough to show the path.

Let there be darkness to embrace the light in our lives!

Picture showing diyas (lamps) placed on the kolam, south indian art made on floor with rice flour / limestone powder.

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